At Wilberforce Primary, all staff work to ensure that all pupils who have special educational needs or a disability are identified, and the appropriate support is provided. We have an inclusive culture, where children are welcomed and valued through their learning and personal achievements. We are committed to ensuring that all children have access to our broad and balanced curriculum.
Here is a link to our Inclusion Flowchart which outlines how concerns are raised about a child and the process we take to make sure the right support is put in place. Here you can find our school offer, which outlines the different types of support a child on our SEN register might receive.
Below are our principles for effective inclusion, which outline how we work to ensure that pupils with special educational needs achieve as well as their peers:
Staff work closely with parents to ensure children achieve their best. Mrs Windsor, our Inclusion Lead, meets with all parents of children on the SEN register at least termly. This dialogue makes sure parents can be part of the assess, plan, do and review process for their child. Parents will also work with outside agencies, sharing important information and developing strategies on how best to support their children.
Annabelle Windsor is our Inclusion Lead. If you wish to speak to her, please contact the school office on 020 7736 4045.
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