Breakfast club is available every school day from 8am to 8:45am. To reserve your spot please use the Arbor Parents App.
For more information, please contact the school office at 02080544100
Our extended after-school provision runs from 3:20pm to 5:30pm and is provided by FC Marylebone. On offer is a variety of sports, activities, games, crafts, and experiences during this time.
Parents can select pick-up times and indicate the days of the week they need the additional hours.
To sign in, please visit: After School Clubs – FCMarylebone
Booking and payment are managed directly by our provider.
For more information, please contact FC Marylebone at 07557 978678.
Hub – Wilberforce back entrance, 254 Kilburn Lane (W10 4BA), for collection.(The school office closes at 4:00 pm.)
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